TEDxcomm class
December 10, 2010

The talks that were given in class these past few weeks have been very moving!

I found it cool that almost all of the talks referenced social media, it’s such a huge part of our life now!  I like that each person approached it in a different way.

Like Dave who tied it to companies using social media for marketing purposes. I found this very true and have noticed this myself, as a marketing major, I hate when I see a commercial and at the end it mentions where to find them on facebook/twitter.  I know it’s a popular form of media right now… but sometimes it doesn’t fit the brand.

Steve’s TED talk was so cute! I love the pictures and how he used a “love story” to show how the way we communicate has drastically changed.

Danielle’s talk about people’s facebook statuses was really funny!! I really enjoyed that one!  It’s so true! We don’t realize that what’s on the internet is PERMANENT and people who don’t really know us perceive us in terms of what they see on facebook.  For example, when I went to school I had all of these crazy statuses and pictures of me partying…and when I returned home someone at the restaurant I work in said something to me along the lines of “college has made you a party girl”…and it really made me think about what I do online.  Also, I am “friends” with a lot of my bosses and co-workers so I have stopped using inappropriate language and putting up immature pictures….or maybe I just grew up a little bit…haha

All in all it has been so amazing to hear everyone’s different views on different topics in the communications field.  Good job everyone!


November 22, 2010

How Modern Technology has Affected the Language of ROMANCE

“Damn that ginger is so short and sexy“:

Student, Brigid Slattery explores the ways people use modern technology to reach their loved ones.  She explores how couples utilize facebook (through statuses, pictures, and wall comments), ichat, texting, etc to stay connected.

I made the following slide show presentation it’s a little long but let me know what you think!